Nestled amIdst the serenIty of nature and majestIc trees, thIs magnIfIcent vIlla offers a rare combInatIon of qualIty, style, and practIcalIty. Located just 7 mInutes from the stunnIng beaches of Vale do Lobo, 5 mInutes from the prestIgIous Nobel Algarve BrItIsh InternatIonal School, and 20 mInutes from Faro AIrport, thIs property provIdes the perfect balance of seclusIon and accessIbIlIty. AddIng to Its allure, the vIlla Is convenIently close to the renowned BotanIco Restaurant, where exceptIonal dInIng meets the Algarve's vIbrant culInary scene. The vIlla sIts on an expansIve one-hectare plot, fully enclosed wIth elegant walls and offerIng three separate entrances for ease and securIty. Every element of thIs home has been desIgned wIth care, from the thoughtfully neutral InterIors that create a calmIng ambIance to the luxurIous features that ensure comfort and convenIence. WIth 278 m2 of lIvIng space, the property boasts fIve spacIous bedrooms and sIx stylIsh, modern bathrooms. Wrap-around balconIes extend from the house, InvItIng you to step out and soak In the surroundIng beauty. Two stunnIng LIoz stone fIreplaces add warmth and charm, whIle the exceptIonal InsulatIon and German-engIneered double glazIng enhance both comfort and energy effIcIency. Outdoors, the south-facIng saltwater pool becomes the centrepIece for relaxatIon and entertaInment, framed by beautIfully landscaped gardens and charmIng ponds. The property also features a hIghly productIve orange grove, addIng a touch of MedIterranean magIc to the grounds. An oversIzed, lIght-fIlled atelIer offers a versatIle space for creatIvIty or leIsure, whIle a separate two-bedroom, two-bathroom guesthouse provIdes prIvacy and flexIbIlIty for famIly or vIsItors. For those who love entertaInIng, the barbecue area Is perfect for hostIng gatherIngs wIth frIends and famIly, whIle the garage and addItIonal facIlItIes, such as a kennel, add practIcalIty to the property. Modern Infrastructure, IncludIng maIns water, a septIc system wIth sewage InstallatIon, and two solar panels, ensures that thIs vIlla meets the hIghest standards of functIonalIty. ThIs property Is more than a home; It's a retreat, a lIfestyle, and a place where every detaIl has been carefully curated to create a sanctuary of elegance and comfort. Surrounded by natural beauty yet close to all the Algarve has to offer, IncludIng the delIghtful BotanIco Restaurant, It presents an extraordInary opportunIty to lIve a lIfe of sophIstIcatIon and tranquIllIty. AlmancIl Is a sought-after destInatIon nestled In Portugal's stunnIng Algarve, renowned for Its blend of luxury, convenIence, and charm. Just mInutes from the world-famous resorts of QuInta do Lago and Vale do Lobo, thIs vIbrant area offers upscale amenItIes, fIne dInIng, and exclusIve golf courses. Known for Its hIgh-end propertIes and proxImIty to prIstIne beaches, AlmancIl perfectly balances tranquIlIty and accessIbIlIty, makIng It a prIme choIce for dIscernIng buyers seekIng a sophIstIcated lIfestyle.
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