Office with 9 offices and 268 m2 of area located in a business building in Beloura Office Park, with good sun exposure, lots of light and excellent views. The space is currently leased for the long term, so it is an excellent income opportunity for investors - 5% Yield The space consists of 9 large offices, private bathroom for men and women. It has excellent finishes such as: wood clad walls, cabinets in all offices, independent air conditioning per room, double glazing, acoustic false ceilings, technical floor with carpet, fire detection system. The price includes 5 parking spaces in the garage and 1 large storage room in the basement of the building. In the surrounding area you will find the Pestana Hotel, the Penha Longa Hotel, Beloura and Penha Longa Golf Courses, Pharmacy, Holmes Place fitness club, Tennis and padel club, Equestrian Club, Medical/Aesthetic Clinics, Beloura Shopping Center with supermarket and cinemas, American School, schools and also the local commerce of Linhó. Beloura Office Park has 24-hour security - surveillance and is surrounded not only by quick and easy access to the main urban centers of Cascais and Lisbon (A5, A16 and IC19). 5SP Lda - AMI 22398
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